Thursday, September 1, 2011

Going to the ASB Grounds and staying at the Chorus Stand

Today Mr Max Jacobsen, Mubasshira, Chante and I went to the ASB Show grounds in Greenlane.
We went there because we had to pretty much be ambassadors for the school, outside school.

In September 2011 some of our Pt England students worked at the Chorus stand demonstrating things we need USB for to help us learn.

The stall where we helped out was at the Chorus stall. It is the Company that is helping us to try to make our Broadband work way faster.

It was extremely fun because since Mr J was a hilarious clown we all had a heap of fun and made a lot of jokes. As we were there we had played a game. The point of the game was to try and get the most pamphlets. It was really hard because I thought that the pamphlets were only for adults and I was also way too shy to go up and get one. Most of the stalls had at least a bowl full of candy. After we all had a turn to have a go me and Chante were being a little crazy and sucking up the helium gas that was in our balloons. But yeah it was extremely fun and I wish to do it again some time. And thank you Mr J for the fun.

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