Sunday, September 1, 2013

My Adoring Family

The 1st of September is Fathers day, and also a day to remember for my family and I. About exactly 11 years ago, my family and I first stepped in to New Zealand fresh from Samoa. My grandparents bought my family to New Zealand to help us as kids find a better future for us.

I am very grateful to them for doing so. They have blessed and helped my family abundantly, and have definitely given us brighter and better futures then to what we could of had back in the islands. Through the past 11 years of my life living in New Zealand it has been a great challenge. I have learnt so many things, and have made so many new friends. I am very glad that I came to New Zealand, and I will forever be grateful to my grandparents. The past 11 years have went by so quickly, I didn't even notice it was already 11 years. I've learnt so much from Pt England School, and I am very grateful.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Rita

    I loved your post about your family, it tells alot about your personality. Seems like you extremely adore your family & I hope your fathers day went well. Keep up the good post:)



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